Saturday, July 7, 2012


 Been pursuing someone lately.. Not a new person per say, he is someone that I have been going out with every now and then  since I was staying in Ampang last year. So far, nothing had happened... There is one question that he keeps on asking that I cannot answer well... Why do I like him so much?

Erm.. honestly.. I do not know of why... maybe becos of him being caring to animals or of his cute smile? of the weird sounds he makes? or when he pouts when things do not go his way? or of the useless quarrels we had especially on things that he can buy cheaper. Or his way of doing things with full of vigor and expression.  

But I do know that I do not like his moody times.. his sad face..

1 comment:

Cyren said...

This has got to be the sweetest post on your blog to date! Sounds like you've found yourself quite a catch!!! Good luck!!!