Saturday, August 6, 2011

Last Month of intern:Office politics

Imagine that ur in a dept with 5 heads, 6 deputies, 20 assistants, 30 junior assistants...and ur just a vermin,a piece of dirt, a lowly intern whose main job is to suck knowledge from all 61 members of d dept that ur assigned to by the HR. Ur mission is to survive 4 5 mths and report back to the HQ when ur tenure is over...

How boleh survive ke x?

After a few mths, u discover that all 5 heads have their own agenda and not all are frens,the rest are after ur ass cos ur a raw jewel that can be shaped by their ideologies, each group wants u to their comrade in arms,each wants to ur untainted blood to bleed for ideology,their manifesto. All are watching u to make d smallest blunder so that they can be delighted in letting u be a part of the other group;their loss will not be another's gain.

U in the other hand want to preserve ur own way,ur right of being,ur principles from being poison,in othe words, u want to be u, u seek neutrality with others,projecting ur own shine without dimming the others. U move carefully,preserving ur ties with everyone without hurting the rest.

An impossible mission? After all that u went thru, nothing is impossible anymore

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