Sunday, September 4, 2011

BDSM gone wrong

Spent the whole night at a fren, emotionally and physically exhausted right now. All due to a fren's bad decision.

He decided to play with fire,he opted for a master to fulfill his darkest fantasy, to be a slave.Unfortunately for him, the master didn't know when to let go.Therefore an intervention has needed. Luckily for the fren, I knew the master from my BDSM days so we sorta struck deal and thankfully,the master accepted.

Moral of the story

1) Do not commit on things that u have no knowledge on
2) Do tell the party that its a temporary thing
3) If u want to do kinky stuff,do it with ur bf,the very least both of u know ur limits
4) Do not play with fire
5) Build d trust between u and the other party 1st before deciding to give up ur will
6) Do not call me at 3 am

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow if yu were not there habis lah

u still into kink?