Saturday, March 19, 2011


So this is it,the end of the 1st part of my studies and the start of the 2nd part of studies. For 3 yrs,we have been 2gether. Together,we have created sweet and sumtimes bitter memories 2gether. Sometimes, we may not get along well,sometimes we may be at each other throats for things such completing assignments and etc.Whatever we learned in Campus,let it be lessons regarding life or studies,let us take the moral of it or if its a bad thing,let's take it as a caution not to repeat the mistakes of others. And of cos,we must not forget our lecturers who in her/his own way helped us to a better person. Most importantly, pray that we won't be like the JFK Gang.

I would like to thank Seha,Charizard, Mary, Azuan, Atiqah, Amanda, Pris, Syazana,Fiza,Iqbal,Chenda,Lydia,Law,T3 and also Pn Suhana,Pn Azrina, Dr P aka Dragonlady, Mr Kim, Ms Lau, Ms Yas for making my days in the campus a memorable one.

I also would like to apologize if in ANY way I have offended u,I know that sumtimes I often said too much.



chendarissa said...

thanks dear.. All the best in the future k..Love ya!

Amanda L said...

all the best faris, and love you too'