Sunday, June 19, 2011


Been working with this species for the past 2 mths de.

An intro:

Aedes aegypti aka Stegomyia aegypti aka yellow fever mosquito which is found by Linnaeus in 1762 is from Africa which is introduced to other regions by immigrants.Its a daytime mosquito,easy to breed and is ok with restricted space. It loves indoors unlike its nasty cousin,Ae.albopictus ( pain wor when bites). It breds in man-made containers like empty plastic bins & old tires,prefers semi-dirty water.

The female and the male could be differentiated from its antennae; the males' are bushy (duh?). To know whether its Ae.aegypti or Ae.albopictus,look at the markings on its head,Ae.aegypti has white markings in a form of lyre.

It has 4 stages in its life cycle (typical of Dipteran species); egg,larva,pupae and adult. It is said that the gender of the mosquito could be differentiate at the larval stage.

It is attracted to lactic acid,ammonia and Co2 (ppl who have high level of stress are often its fav.). The females suck blood while the males suck nectar.

ps: I have no life :)

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