Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Common phrases at work

Short version: SV
Original Version: OV

Sentence No 1

SV: Are u going to suck it for me?
OV: Areu going to aspirate the mozzies for me?

Sentence No 2

SV: Isolating adult/pupae
OV: putting a single pupae into a vial/ separating the adults into male/female

SV: Homo giler
OV: The male mozzies are mating

SV: Combo attack
OV: Female Albos (Ae. albopictus) are bitting me,quick gimme the racket

SV: racket
OV: using stun rackets to kill mozzie

SV: when are u going to bloodfeed?
OV: When are u going to preparing for Ovi

SV: Ovi
OV: Oviposition period

A researcher's life is dull,thank god I am gay

1 comment:

Ash Godiva said...

you didn't research on other things aside from mosquito?