Friday, December 17, 2010


Many frens have said this and I have noticed that when it comes to decide on sumting, I take a long time to ponder. What do u expect from a guy who puts every topping that is available on his Subway Sandwich.

Why do I have to think so much about making a decision especially to Yes or No question. Maybe its due to me being cautious,not wanting the past to repeat itself. I love/want to be someone who could be spontaneous in nature. Some frens do get tired of my boring nature especially those who love to live on the edge. Surprisingly, those decisions that I took time to decide always be the right one to make. Eg: the break-up with Rizal. He is now happy with his Ex. (not me but the one before me)

So now its my time decide on my own happiness,shuld I stay single or settle down with one of the Cancer males?

I decided to enjoy my freedom a little while longer,this is the time for me to pave out my own path. There are things that I want to accomplish before I want to be a darling housewife. I put my trust on my ability to make the right decision,after all although Love may make the world spin, u can't buy food with it.

Sori Cupid,ur timing sucks.

Ps: Each decision/action I take is carefully thought of,some of it may hurt me,some may hurt the ppl that I care but in the end,it is the right thing to do.

1 comment:

nicky05 said...

so you admitted you're a housewife .:PPPP