In the past 1 month,Rizal wasn't that happy with me,mainly due to our schedules and attitudes.
My schedule is tighter than him cos I have to juggle 3 things which are my family business,my uni and my own business,all are extorting extra energy and focus from me at the moment while he has to worry about his studies and his family but mostly its his studies since he lives away from the family. So this gives him a lot of free time but as the saying goes,"A idle mind is the devil's playground" ergo he feels kinda lonely and thus he thinks a lot,his fav. phrase is "how come u can ......... without me?" My reply is," why don't u ..................... also". Oh yeah, both of us having been doing "it" that frequent anymore which contributes to his list of worries that I maybe "eating" outside which is dumb.
Our attitudes are also different,as some of u noticed that he isn't in facebook or blogspot as he thinks that its a waste of time but he's hooked on Naruto and only that. Him,being a Aries makes him the sort that loves to travel and can't stay still for long while I love to move at slower pace. For an example,he loves to have breakfast at The Curve,lunch at Midval and dinner in Pyramid while I love to stay in Shah Alam for breakfast,lunch and dinner.
U may ask why are we still together if we are so different,well,after a long talk,we decided that our different schedules and attitudes are "the price of admission" to our relationship(go to Youtube and watch the video on this). Well,basically,its the imperfection that both of us have and both of us love. Only dumb ppl will still go and search for Mr Right,well,sorry to break ur bubbles,Mr Right exist only in dreams.
Both of us don't seek to dominate the relationship nor to change the personality of the other party. That's what our relationship is about.
The actions do carry a lot of weight
Glad to know you both are taking the challenges as a learning process... best of luck to you both and keep the counting running..
Stay strong!!! it is NOT easy to even reachthis step...
oh he's Aries!! yeah so different... but well opp attracts :)
even mr. right is not perfect most of the time. or mr. right who seems perfect, will change over time.
[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
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