Thursday, June 10, 2010


A thesis is the highlight of a degree student's study life,it is the compilation of whatever that the student had studied,the swan song of a student and of cos,it paves the way of the student's future in workforce.

Having said that,I have no idea of what I want to do for my thesis.Sure,there are plenty of ideas for it but most of it won't get pass the censorship board. A few of my ideas are:

1) The level Aids awareness among Gays.

2) The effects of Nigella sativa oil

3) The awareness for screening of genomic related diseases

4) The effects of honey on wound healing

5) The relation between the length of the cock and puberty

6) The relation between ethnicity and skin diseases

and so on..........

Someone told me that to pick a topic and write the literature review for it 1st,if u succeed in doing that,u can go on doing the thesis.......

So what do u think ,readers? Which one shuld I pick?


Armanique said...

my gut feeling is 5!!! lol but seriosuly i think 3 is an interesting topic to write :)

Ash Godiva said...

agree with 3 is ok..i really like no 2 and 4 since i'm interested in this alternative medicine thingy...

among my ideas are...

1)medicinal effect of pumpkin seed extract on parasitic worms in cats and humans

2)effect of virgin coconut oil in acne healing and hair

3)relations between middle east,Chinese and western astrology

4)factors that influence person's psychic awareness and ability

Feeling like Mayuri Kurotsuchi done no1 on my cat and no2 on me and my ex colleague:s