Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Spreading the virus

While driving around the valley.........

Rizal: Syg, Who are the Akatsuki? Got 10 ppl rite,Orochimaru, Itachi,the shark guy.... some more?

Ichi(Stunned): When did u watch/read Naruto? I thought u don't like it

Rizal: A few nites ago,I started reading it. Quite nice lah...

Ichi:U read that much per nite... Got do ur assignments anot... If u don't get 3.0,I'll spank u,k

Rizal pouts

Ichi: Read the manga a bit more,then u know,k... Meh,cium sikit

Rizal: Ppl can see lah,Baka.......

Ichi: Learn how to moan in Japanese,then I won't spank u if u get lower grades...


Ash Godiva said...

he's gonna be addicted with naruto...or already have^^

kidz said...

u sure the spanking is a correct threat? i mean what if he actually enjoys it and wants it.. =p

**** not ten.. there r like a few more hidden.. i kinda lost count already, is like they come.. they die.. *****

ichimaru akira said...

Count: I think he still can be saved

Kidz: Lol... the original members of Akatsuki is 10,Kabuto resurrected a few more