I'm sure that all of us have a crush at some point of our life,let it be a fren , a teacher from school or a celebrity.
To me, a crush should stay as a crush. Its inadvisable to try to change a crush into a sweetheart. The reasons are simple,the person who we crush on are often on a different level from us and its better not to jeopardize a pre-existing relationship just to fulfill ur fantasy.
Below are some of my crushes
I got this topic from Calvin.
wahahaha i still remember i had a crush with the optician opp where i used to work. apparently i found him in fb 2 yrs later and he's from Ipoh :)
ewww... leonardo and brad? Whr is Ryan Reynolds?
Word veryfication: protomen
Arman: notti2
Bear: siape 2? x kenal lah
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