Monday, February 9, 2009


Oh my god,why did I waste my time reading this stupid book.Its so damm boring.This is the 1st time that I'm going to say that watching the movie version is better than reading the book and I haven't watch the movie yet.( I know but seriously its boring)

I was expecting unicorns,palaces,amazing quests and etc but after reading the first 5 chapters,I decided that its not worth my time,better read my C.Microb textbook.Thanks heavens that its a borrowed book,it'll be such a waste of money to buy it.

If you read the intro,the author dared to compare her book with Lord of the Rings,how dare she have the cheek to compare her lousy book to a masterpiece. It seems that the story could be a little interesting if she lets her imagination run a bit.The ending is so lame like she just wrote something up so she could make the dateline.

I'm not going to be bothered to read the 2nd book,Inkspell.

ps: Thanks for following my blog.Love you

1 comment:

^^WiLLY LaM^^ said...

really so bad meh the book?