Elo,guys. As some of u know i have been out of the closet for 2 yrs plus,i think all of my frens know about my status although some have been ignoring the gay side of me and some have been trying to set me a date with girls.
The thing that makes me feel odd are the questions that some ask.For instance:
1) Why do you hate girls?
2) How you know that ur gay?
3) Did you fuck a girl before?
4) So how do gays have sex?
5) Don't you think that what ur doing it against ur religion?
I'm going to answer them one by one here,k.
1) I don't hate girls,in fact most of my frens are girls. Its just that I have no feeling towards them.
2) I think I know that I'm gay when I started to have funny feelings with my guy frens and when I start to wank to the pics of Leonardo Dicarpio ( He was such a hottie back then)
3) Actually,yes. It was a mistake.I keep asking her whether she is ok with everything i do and why are you screaming like crazy.I even ask her whether she is orgasming or not.(Its simpler with guys,you know when they are having an orgasm) After that,she never wanted to repeat the feat.
4) We do it like how the rest does it but better. Watch a gay porn will you? Its embrassing for me to explain.
5) Well, this question is the trickest. I believe that God is mercifully and put us on earth for a reason. He is also not biased in His judgement so there is a high chance that I might end on the other side,if not I have a lot of frens to keep me company in the Devil's lair.
People,if someone told u that he is gay,don't hammer him with a barrage of questions. He will run away or say that its just a joke.Give the poor fellow a break, will you?
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