Thursday, March 26, 2009

At last,a review

Finally,I have time to do reviews. This is LILY ALLEN's time to shine. I sure some of you had heard this gal on youtube or on myspace.

Lily Allen 1st debutted on myspace in Nov 2005 and up to date she has 2 albums which are Alright,still and Its no you,its me.

Her lyrics are catching and casual but its lovely,maybe I'm being biased cos the american singers suck right now.

Enuff said,I posted 3 music videos of her,U be the judge,k?




1 comment:

Pranny said...

Oh Lily Allen...
I serious suggest u try The Fear...
I've been listen to that since last month and gonna put it into my playlist of the month March soon..

"It all makes my life so fucking fantastic"