Sunday, July 18, 2010


Have u ever wish that u can change a memory or read ppl's subconscious or try to plan an idea on someone's mind? How easy life would be if u can do the above.. How many misunderstandings that u can rectify? How many unwanted questions that u can avoid? Most important,how many broken hearts u can avoid?

While watching the movie,Inception,I was thinking about the above... So many sweet memories turned bitter just becos of one's inability to say the right words at the right time,to fail to see the proper intention of misguided sentences. How easy would life be if we could see the bare thoughts of one's mind.....

But if we can do all of the above,the words," I'm sorry" would lose its sweetness..........


Anonymous said...
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kidz said...

I guess it will be a very different world altogether.. but then again, "i am sorry" will still be there.. cause nothing is perfect, u never know how it is gonna be the other way round and the cause and effect.. cause there r always 2 sides to look at everything imo...