Saturday, May 15, 2010


Thus shall you think of this fleeting world:
A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream,
A flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.
Diamond Sutra

The lover was going thru my book collection and spotted a Dharma book.Frankly,I was surprised at what he found cos I had no idea that I have a Dharma book on my shelves. I had forgotten how I got it but I'm so certain that it came to my possession during the period that I was into theology which was when I was 15-22 yrs old.

Anyway,the book was about Diamond Sutra which contains the best explanation about one of 3 marks of existence which is Anicca or Impermanence which refers to Change which is the last 4 lines of it.(Pls refer to the text above)

Well,its true everything changes if u give it enuff time,a seed grows into a tree, a tree returns to earth as nutrients. Even in relationships,u can see changes,frens 2day,strangers 2morrow.

Change can be for good or for bad,for example,2day,ur an idiot but 2morrow,ur a genius.Unfortunately,some would never appreciate the fact that humans have a very powerful tool which is the power to change. I remember watching one movie adaptation of Noah's Ark (Christian version) when Noah asked God why did He created humans if he's going to destroy them later. God's reply was Humans unlike Angels nor Demons have the capability to better themselves or to make them worse unlike Angels or Demons who are unchangeable in their nature and He wasn't going to destroy all humans,just those who don't see the need to better themselves.

Just think about it.........


Unknown said...

begitu complicated punya buku. saya sudah tak payah baca buku~ yay!

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

plainjoe said...

This is one very intriguing read...

ichimaru akira said...

Jino: Lol..nothing is complicated,complication is created by Man.

I heard that working life is a bitch.. Good luck...

Joe: erm,thanks