Saturday, May 1, 2010

A letter to God

Dear God,

I know I have been a bad person,not listening to Your Words and winking + staring at cute guys while listening to the Sermons in the Mosque weekly... but I would like to thank You for giving me a great year and one more chance to celebrate my bday and hopefully one more year..

Also thank You for giving great frens and a nice family to be with,although I do sumtimes feel that I deserve more like a being a best frens with Lady Gaga perhaps or be the son of Trump...But seriously,although I do bitch about them,I really do love them a lot...

And finally,thank You for giving me a wonderful bf who is waiting on the bed for me rite now,thank You for giving me someone who can understand and tolerate my eccentricities and oddities.

Yours sincerely,


Unknown said...

well happy birthday my friend. i am sorry i really have to turn down the invitation. been stressed with my notes. really sorry...

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

Armanique said...

happy bird day ichi... am glad that all is gd for u :)

William said...

It's great to give thanks. Happy Bday.

ichimaru akira said...

Jino: why!!!!!!!!!!!! (running while crying)

Arman:Thanks mate
