Monday, October 19, 2009


Everyone got ego inside of them and like everything in this gay world,size really matters. Its difficult to talk with ppl who have a huge ego cos they are unwilling to compromise. Its always their way or the highway.

So what happen if both of them in any relationship got ego issues? Let's use an example,k? A has a big ego but B has a bigger ego than A. Well,1stly A who has a smaller ego would try to accommodate B and hopefully,sumday,B would change his ways and willing to come to a compromise.

But A also got his pride to jaga and due to B's attitude of setting more and more rules for A to follow instead of compromising or at least passing the helm to A once a while,A gets more and more fed up with B's attitude and starts to walk away.

In the end,no one wins or lose,only heartbreaks and heartaches suffered by both sides. Is keeping ur ego intact worth it?


Anonymous said...

i totally agree with u, only if i was this wise last time :P

Bravebear said...

couldn't agree more.

Penapenis said...

my experience, me n my partner both got XL ego.. and we wont compromise at all. Masing2 nak menang sampai kembang kuncup hidung menahan marah.. But when tears streaming down A party's face, all ego from B party suddenly gone, and we started hugging each other..

P.s: Ego suami selalunya mencair dek air mata isterikan...?? ^_^"

ichimaru akira said...

Happy: I was stupid once too

Bear: Thanks.

Pena: yep,kadang2 si suami kena tutup mata akan perbuatan si isteri but sumtimes,2 much is 2 much