Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Hidden gem

I was browsing thru my fren's frenlist and look what I found.

Name: F.........e
Age: 20
Currently at: Wellington,New Zealand
Occupation: Student,Part time model
Orientation: Straight :(

His model shots

His casual shots


Ash Godiva said...

awwww cans nye dia...merembes fefet akak tengok dia..*feelin pondan japs*XD

Leon Koh said...

cute pics

William said...

I have an urge to ruffle his hair.

ichimaru akira said...

Imcurtain: thanks for the invite

Count: Nyah,mak pun sama nyah,puki merembes non-stop. Kalo die gay,dah lame Mak kendurikan.

Leon: Thanks

Will: Hehehe,I'm sure u'll do more than that