Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I'm not going to talk about Blackberrys or Iphone. I'm talking about Public Display of Adoration (PDA).

This morning,I had to go to P.A.S to get a new memory card and repair the N71 that my tranny aunt gave me earlier in the month. I hate doing unimportant things especially stuff that requires spending. ( I want a sugar daddy).

While waiting for the phone,I did some window-shopping when I saw a gay couple kissing in the toilet.I know that P.A.S has a few glory holes for u know what. But this couple is kissing near the sinks area. Lucky,they were Chinese if not Jais would have been there pronto. I just cough a loud and told them to get a room. They were surprised and walk off with smiles in their faces. Too much love between them,I guess.

Next case of PDA was near the Bowling Center, this time it was a straight malay couple,they were just hugging each other,ignoring the cold stares that the others were given.

I am not the person who likes PDA a lot,well maybe in movie halls where its all dark but still I prefer saving all that energy and adoration for the bed room where I could anyting and besides I don't think that I need to tell ppl that He's Mine with PDA,there are subtler moves to do that.


William said...

100 kali lebih hebat di Singapura.

freddiewee said...

where's P.A.S?

Scribbler said...

Amen to that dear.

ichimaru akira said...

Will: nah,Spore lebih gerek.They make on the bus.

Freddie: Its stands Plaza Alam central

Scribbler: Amen