Thursday, May 14, 2009

The seeker of truth

Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage. Tutelage is the incapacity to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. Such tutelage is self-imposed if its cause is not lack of intelligence but rather a lack of determination and courage to use one's intelligence without being guided by another.
Immanuel Kant

Lately,I had been saying a few things that made a few people's brain to reboot automatically but I felt that I had to share it with the readers or to get new input on the stuff that I had discovered.

The Road of Self-Enlightenment is a lonely journey that a few partake. There are 2 ways to achieve enlightenment which are by religious or by secular means. Each has its own pains. For me,I believe that by discovering the truth of things,we'll get to know ourselves better thus gaining enlightenment.

So how do I get the truth of things? Mainly by gaining more knowledge,almost everything in this world interest me,let it be mundane stuff like why the sky is blue or important stuff like why humans are being created. Gaining knowledge isn't just having all the info stored in ur head and able to remember it word by word,its actually to be able to practice the stuff u know in daily life.

To me,knowledge is everything. To be about to know about things bring me great pleasure. Yes,I know some might think that learning is troublesome and unimportant and it really doesn't contribute to Self-Awareness or to be a better person. But how u want to improve or find urself if u don't learn?

There's a saying that goes," To seek the truth is to gain freedom." Spare the saying a thought and tell me what you think of this post.


V said...

gaining knowledge is not about being in a prestigious school.

all of us are student of life where every obstacles is a new knowledge to be aquired!

Armanique said...

ah im glad u are not like the dumb blondes at my workplace... worst of all they are university grades hahaha... well u need to be street smart as well :)

that would be a holistic package for a dream bf hahahha