Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Be a Paddy plant

Remember the malay saying,Ikut resam Padi,semakin berisi,semakin ia tunduk. Jgn ikut rersam lalang,semakin berisi,semakin menegak. In translation, Be a paddy plant,as its matures,it will bow down.Don't be like the weed,as it matures,it rises.What the saying is trying to imply is as u reach the top,don't be arrogant.

I know that its a hard life when ur at the bottom of the food chain,u'll get stamped on,looked down,spitted on etc etc. And when,u reached ur goal or success,u'll surely want to gloat or goad those ppl who said that u'll never make it.

But what's the point of gloating or goading,it shows that ur no better than them,remember one of the reasons u wanted to be successful is to show that u can lead a better example.

I noticed that some of the bloggers or ppl in my life is acting like the weed. Yes,we all went to the tough life,we all know how it feels to be compared to a vermin but why some can look past the nastiness and show a better example to the younger generation while some can't?

This reminds me of a story. Remember the Late Naza. He went into a BMW showroom wearing a sarong and shirt. One of the salesmen sneered and told him off but the other patiently answered his questions and stroke a deal.The next day,The Naza went into the same showroom but now he's wearing a smart suit. Behind him,a entourage of ppl carrying black bags. He went and finalized the deal of buying a BMW but he gave one condition which was the salesman who sneered at him have to count all the coins in the bags to validate the amount he paid.

What I'm trying to say is,no matter how high u go,there is always someone that is higher than u. So why the attitude?

Ps: I know that the translation seems to be a bit insinuating but bear with it,k
Pps: The young Naza is quite the catch.Wonder if he's single


William said...

He paid with so many coins? It's not legal tender.

Bravebear said...

erm... the naza ain't too nice either ain't he. Making the other person count the coins. So much display of ego.

Anonymous said...

not really a good example :P poor the salesman :P

but then many of us prefer something that is menegak :P lolll...

ichimaru akira said...

Will: that's what I heard. Maybe he paid in Rm 1 ringgit notes like the other version of the story.

Brave: He teaching the guy a lesson.

Happy: me too