Friday, December 25, 2009


I had talked about certain qualities of certain zodiacs early but 2nite,I'll start focusing on each zodiacs individually and I do hope it helps you to understand the zodiacs better.I'm starting with Scorpio cos it seems that my life is full of them.

Scorpio's good traits

1)determined and forceful
2)Emotional and Intuitive
3)Powerful and passionate
4) Exciting and Magnetic

Scorpio's bad traits:

1) Jealousy and resentful
2) Compulsive and obsessive
3) Secretive and obstinate

Scorpio likes:

1) Truth
2) Hidden causes
3) Meaningful work
4) Being persuasive (Good bargainers)

Scorpio hates:

1) Taken advantage of
2) Being given only surface data
3) Demeaning jobs
4) Shallow relationships
5) Flattery and flattering

Scorpio is perfect with Cancer,Capricorn,Virgo and Pisces. The zodiac that a Scorpio shuld avoid the most is Taurus cos both are super jealous but they will have a good time in bed.

Although on the surface,they are calm and nice,underneath,they are quite the opposite. Picture a volcano,serene outside,hot magma inside. Don't be mistaken with their "don't care about the world" attitude, they do care about the world.

They are super sensitive but this is a double edge sword cos sumtimes they just flare up for nothing. They are also quite secretive so sumtimes,its hard to judge their actions and reactions and they hate being in the dark.

Scorpios have an enormous potential,they can do great good or great evil.They can harness their abundant energy constructively, tempering their self-confidence with shrewdness and their ambition with magnanimity toward others provided they like them. They relate to fellow workers only as leaders and can be blunt to those they dislike to the point of cruelty. In fact they are not above expressing vindictiveness in deliberate cruelty. They are too demanding, too unforgiving of faults in others, perhaps because they are not aware of the shortcomings within themselves, and extravagantly express their self-disgust in unreasonable resentment against their fellows. They do, however, make excellent friends, provided that their companions do nothing to impugn the honor of which Scorpios are very jealous.

And finally,they are great in bed,not becos of being super horny but due to their own definition of love,to them,Love transcends all,spiritually,emotionally and physically. Although this is a good thing,sumtimes they tend to overdo it and can become sadists in love.

Oh yeah,never upset a Scorpio,their sting is deadly.

1 comment:

Ash Godiva said...

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