Friday, May 22, 2009

1 more week

1 more week left for this short sem,I'm so glad that its going to end soon. I just need to focus on finishing my assignments and studying for the finals.Then I got 2 weeks of break,then 2 more long sem,1 more short sem and then my practicals. After all that,I'm free to pursue other stuff. Maybe,I'll take the offer to go abroad to work or study. (Erm,this offer is still pending).

Lately,I felt so bored,lonely and unhappy,mainly due to family pressure,studies and personal but thanks to nightly yamcha sesssions,my spirits are soaring high.

There is one person that I miss so badly and want to meet up with but he is busy with work and all,can't blame him so much cos the timing to meet up sucks between the both of us, when I'm free,he's busy and vice versa.

But I really don't care about us not meeting up,since there are a lot of ways to keep contact and besides we living in the Age of Facebook,Hps and all. Its a bit frustrating when 1 side tries hard to spend a few mins to sms or to call or to poke but the replies took more than a hour to receive.Yeah,I know that he's busy so I can't hope for much rite? But there is a mly proverb," kalau nak,seribu daya. kalau tak nak,seribu dalih."


Twilight Man said...

Glad to know your spirits soaring up now. Well, you probably know by now that everything was trapped in our mind - stress, worries and pressure. So we have to learn to de-stress and let go at times, so that our mind feels lighter and happier.

Anonymous said...

dun worry, be happy
studying is frustrating sometimes, but it's fun too, enjoy it

Armanique said...

ah enjoy while it last :) wait till u start work, u will dread those times while u're studying haahah