Many ppl would say that when u have probs or kept thinking about stuff that you can't do about,its best to make urself preoccupied with other stuff.After all,the idle mind is the devil's playground.
Well,according to pshrinks out there,those who avoid solving their probs and try to bury themselves with other stuff are actually in denial. What good u get,if u bury one prob with another.Slowly the problems would suck u in.Its better if u spend time trying to solve the prob one by one.
So how you can solve the problems? Its actually quite easy,it begins with u accepting that u have a prob.
Then,head out into the desert aka solitude. Why do u need to this? Well,in the desert,u'll find the purest water source rite? So when ur in solitude,ur purest thoughts on the prob will emerge.These thoughts are without any outside input or influences,they are all urs. Of cos,negative thoughts will come but sumtimes these thoughts are insightful. These negative thoughts appear for a reason.
Next step is to talk about it,confront the source of ur prob,let it be ur boss or bf. Always give the other party a chance to defend themselves and think about their explanation. Does the explanation make sense?Does the other party keeps repeating the same thing again and again?
Lastly,make a stand on the issue and make sure that the other party gets the msg.
If all the above doesn't work, be brave enuff to walk out of the door and close it forever.
hmm... I have another opinion. A thing turns to be a problem when we think it is a problem. But when we think otherwise, it won't reveal itself as a problem.
For me, I choose to believe that problems are a blessing(sounds nuts right?). That way we will be able to enjoy every moment of it. The mind is actually a very powerful tool.
Big Problem -> Small Problem -> No Problem. But can always work the other way. :P
sometimes things are inevitable i guess. well problems are dealt differently depending on circumstances...
some are best to confront, others are best to avoid
accepting our problems is the toughest.
Pandai nye William, so true! I better learn more from you coz my boss is a nagging pain in my ass!
Bear: that's positive way to work at it but after all,it will eat u up.
Will: nice
Armanique: depending on what u get in the end
Kelvin: yeap,but that's the 1st step in self-healing.
Grandma: erm........ Shall I suggest poison?
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