Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thanks to my dad's restraints,I have done a lot of things and met with a lot of ppl from the stupid type to the psychotic type but there are some types of ppl that I would rather avoid meeting.

1) Snakes

I'm ok with foul-mouthed ppl as long as they are not butt-kissers.I think u guys know the type,these type of ppl would cuss and swear the person when the subject in question aren't around to hear them but once the subject is in front of them,their mouth is full of sweet stuff for the subject. I called these type of ppl snakes cos like a snake,their venom is often hidden.

If u want to cuss someone,do it in their face and be done with it.

2) Bodoh sombong

The crude translation of the phrase above is " Stupid and Arrogant" which is a bad concoction. If ur smart and arrogant,I'm fine with it cos u had worked hard to get there and u really deserve to be that.

An example of this type of ppl is a woman that I had unfortunately met and worked before.Her English is poor and there's an incident when she mistakenly said "underwear" instead of "on the way" to a client on the phone.After she hung up,I asked her whether the client wanted underwear and she looked at me one kind so I had to explain to her how I got that idea,she said,"nolah,saya ckp kat die yg kita nak dekat sampai.Kalo dlm bahasa Inggeris,tu kan dipanggil "underwear."

Shuld I say more..........

3) Ingrates

Someone once told me that if I want to do some good,do it without expecting a reward to avoid disappointments. His words are very true indeed,most ppl don't express their appreciation and some would bite a helping hand after achieving their goal.

To some extend,the words of a great leader is true. After all,gratitude is indeed a canine disease.


William said...

"Underwear"?! ROTFL.

Armanique said...

hahaha yeah i like the underwear one... so humorous... i will probably cracked up on the spot!!!

Ed said...

ok the underwear part is funny...

other than that....well, this is the types of people u'll hv to deal with for the rest of ur life.

just take the high road & be nice to everyone :)

Pike-chan said...

hate the Snake kinda people and Ingrates is something challenging...

ichimaru akira said...

Will and Arman: I know,I was killing myself to not laugh.

Ed: yeah,but sumtimes doing the rite thing is painful.

Pikey: Hate snakes bro