Friday, April 30, 2010

H revisited

I'm sure uolls want to know what happened to H,rite? Did he see the errors of his way and stop wanting to be positive or otherwise?

Well,we did bring him to a home where Aids patients are taken care of and shown him all the suffering that came with being positive,I even asked a fren who is positive to help us out...

Guess, what did H said to that fren? He asked whether could the fren fuck him later. He simply don't care about the consequences...

R said that I shuld just let him be and I totally agree with R's opinions.. I'm not gonna help anyone who don't want to be helped..gonna stop being a tissue,no more Mr Use me and dump me after getting what u want.

Life is so much easier when ur being selfish... Cheers


nicky05 said...

Yeah!!! Dont bother to help a person who dont love themselves!!! waste of time!!!

kidz said...

hmm... just because he feels he will get it eventually doesn't mean he has to ask for it so urgently.. he shud be living a wory free life andbe wild as he wishes..

the urge to get it feels more like attention seeking mentality, to be rebelious..

Unknown said...

对人好就是对自己残忍。learn this up haha

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

Pike-chan said...

Your friend might be having some hidden problem waiting to be heard?