Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Last nite while chatting with Bear,I realised that my sleeping habits ain't normal at all.

My bedtime is at around 3-4 am,even if I'm on the bed,I don't go straight to sleep cos I'll be tossing and turning,trying to find the perfect landing spot for my head which changes daily,last nite,the spot was somewhere at the edge of the pillow,the nite before last nite,my head have to face the window. After that,I need to slow down my brain's activities till minimum due to the fact that my thoughts often run around the activities that I had did and have not completed.

This habit gets worse if I'm reading a book before bedtime,I have to finish it before sleeping. During form 5,I bought "Harry Potter and order of the phoenix",started reading at 10 pm and finished it at 6 am and still aced the biology quiz in sch. Crazy kan?

My wake up time is at 9-1o am and that's enuff sleep for me. I can perfectly function up till the next bedtime.

The only time that I sleep early is either me forcing myself to self or I'm stuffing myself with meds.

Just now,I reading a journal by the American Cancer Society that states," those who reported sleeping about 7 hours per night had the lowest rates of mortality, whereas those who slept for fewer than 6 hours or more than 8 hours had higher mortality rates. Getting 8.5 or more hours of sleep per night increased the mortality rate by 15%. Severe insomnia - sleeping less than 3.5 hours in women and 4.5 hours in men - also led to a 15% increase in mortality. However, most of the increase in mortality from severe insomnia was discounted after controlling for comorbid disorders. After controlling for sleep duration and insomnia, use of sleeping pills was also found to be associated with an increased mortality rate."

So will I have a long life?


Lucas said...

Erm... I'm confused... Mortality rate based on? Death by?

Little Dove said...

Mortality rate = number of death

I also have insomnia problems. Maybe exercise would help. Go easy on the meds k? :)

Lucas said...

Oh... Is tht what it means? -.-

I meant just saying it increases mortality is vague... In what way? Heart problems? Or mental strain? Or lack of sleep could cause a person to lose concentration and get into an accident?

Hope u overcome ur sleeping problems ichihara.

Pike-chan said...

Better to have fixed sleeping habit la.. then slowly you can sleep naturally..

Bravebear said...

I see I see... I gotta control my sleeping pattern oso. Everytime holiday oso sleep time will go haywire...

ichimaru akira said...

Lucas: According to the Journal,to have a long life,u need to sleep exactly 6-7 hours.

My name is ichimaru not ichihara.

Lil dove: I'm not taking any meds for it

Pikey: trying to alter a bit.

Bear: erm,during those holidays,is Pikey sleeping beside u?

Lucas said...

i appologise... was replying on a mobile device and the typing must have gone wrong ...

sorry :|

Ash Godiva said...

some certain classical music helps in sleeping...but some certain can make you wide awake...try yourself:)

ichimaru akira said...

Lucas: no harm done.

Count: erm....I hate those type of music